How are outdated systems hurting your bottom line?

Let’s be honest. Your goal for this month, the previous month, and the coming month is to cut costs. How is it going so far? We believe you are taking drastic measures to ensure the long-term viability of your company’s finances.

You may be attempting to spend more wisely in terms of office space, advertising, personnel, and so on in order to reduce costs and help your company save profits. But there is one unnoticed area that is costing your company a lot of money every month – your outdated systems.

Your outdated systems are not saving you money; instead, they are adding unnecessary charges. Continue reading to learn why keeping outdated systems isn’t a good way to save money.

Outdated Systems Invite Security Threats

IT companies facing security threats or breaches may appear ironic, but with outdated systems, this is not difficult to believe. Older systems lack the necessary updates to compete with newer systems in terms of security and functionality.

Remember that updates are performed not only to improve the functionality of systems but also to reduce their vulnerability to security threats. Nonetheless, several organizations are ignoring system upgrades. This not only exposes your company’s data to cyber attacks but also disrupts your employees’ work.

According to a Ponemon Institute study, nearly 70% of employees believe their companies’ systems and security solutions are outdated and inadequate. Will you be comfortable if your employees tell you the same story?

A data breach or a security threat is a far more serious problem to deal with than updating your systems, both in general and financially. Updating your systems and keeping them safe from potential threats can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Data Loss is Constant

If a security threat is one thing, data loss is another that can quickly send your company downhill. Any company that works with customers will have data, and when that data is lost, the company is doomed. If you can afford anything, including data loss, sticking with outdated systems should not bother you. However, you cannot take the chance, particularly when working with IT and your only concern is data.

Outdated systems do not allow you to use modern backup solutions to protect your data. If your company does not have a backup system, you will be helpless in the face of data loss.

The loss of data may have an impact on your company’s performance, which in turn affects revenue. So, data loss is an issue for the entire company, not just the IT department, and by updating your systems, you can avoid waking up to the doomsday scenario.

Hefty Maintenance Bills

There is no middle ground; it is either update or maintenance. The fact that they are recurring makes choosing maintenance a bad idea. While updates may appear to be a capital outlay, they can be broken down and viewed as revenue expenditure. Similarly, maintenance may appear to be a simple revenue expenditure, but it will cost you more than you anticipate.

Outdated systems do not have a maintenance deadline because their performance can degrade at any time. Calling for maintenance on a regular basis will result in unnecessary expenditure and will discourage you from taking a cost-cutting route.

Productivity Will Fall

Will you agree that you are preventing your employees from becoming more productive? Most likely, you won’t. This is because, like any other business, you’d argue that your goal is to boost employee productivity. However, it is also you who is preventing them from being productive. In a technical sense, your decision to keep outdated systems is to blame.

Employee productivity can be negatively impacted by outdated systems. They don’t provide a convenient environment for your employees to be more productive. They freeze, crash, and in the worst-case scenario, require repairs. You are spending a significant amount of money on recurring repairs and significant software installations, and the worst part is that you are not even aware of it.

When you expect your employees to be productive, give them what they deserve. It is pointless to keep outdated systems that do not support modern software upgrades and installations and expect productivity. You are losing a lot of business value by allowing your employees to use outdated systems, in addition to repair costs.

Several surveys have found that low employee productivity costs businesses billions of dollars. Prioritize employee productivity and assist them in achieving their goals if you don’t want your company to join the list.

Benefits the Competition

Will your prospective client be pleased to learn that you employ obsolete systems? Using outdated systems may benefit your competitors rather than you. No one wants to do business with a company that is facing security risks, data loss, and low productivity – a hard fact.

Cost cutting entails not only saving money but also increasing opportunities for new revenue. If your company is using outdated systems, you are not effectively cutting costs. Instead, you are helping your competitors steal your customers.

Pro tip:

Updating your systems can be expensive, especially if your company is large. We understand, and we can help. Instead of purchasing new systems, servers, and workstations, you can rent them from us at a low cost.

Renting systems and servers can cut your financial burden on updates in half and help you provide the best equipment to your employees. Rank Computers is one of the reputable companies where you can rent a wide range of systems, servers, workstations, storage devices, and firewalls at competitive prices. Contact us for a quote today, and we will get back to you.


Outdated systems are bad news for any business, and a simple explanation such as “they still work” will not suffice. By updating your systems, you add value and security to your company and employees. Bringing in new and updated systems may not be an easy decision to make, but it is the right one.