How to take care of your rental equipment


In almost every professional sector, renting IT equipment is becoming a common practice. Renting technology for a business, or even for personal use, has numerous advantages. It facilitates the process of switching models for those with the latest technology and frees up capital for other purposes. Some rental equipment providers also offer licensing and maintenance of the gadgets in the same rental contract, which is systematic, budget-friendly, and highly efficient.

While this is a cost-saving initiative, it can very quickly become pricey if the rental equipment is not taken care of properly. Several rental companies provide user manuals and guides to help you maintain the devices properly, but even still, there are a few steps you can take to increase the lifespan of your equipment.

Before we get into the topic of renting equipment, let’s look at and understand the most common mistakes that renters make.

Common mistakes made while renting technology

Renting IT equipment can be time-consuming, but it can also be a waste of money if not managed properly. Mistakes made while renting equipment can easily be avoided by being cautious and keeping a check on a few factors.

Not having proper knowledge of the equipment

Some organizations, while renting technological equipment, overlook the specifications of the devices they are renting. They leave it to the rental providers to make the right choice, and often, this decision is based on a superficial knowledge of the business. Even though the expert analyzes your requirements, it is you who knows your needs best. If you don’t know your rental device’s specifications in detail, it makes maintaining the device all that more difficult.

Not taking into account the environment

Every workplace or every organizational set-up is distinct, and so is the equipment used. Sometimes, individuals place a rental order without assessing the work environment in which the devices will be placed. Several factors, such as power requirements, space, and environmental factors are neglected while renting. Disregarding these factors can cause issues. For instance, if the workspace does not have proper space and ventilation, the device may overheat. This can cause damage to the devices, and even be a safety hazard for the users.

Choosing low-quality equipment

Sometimes, supervisors can make errors in judging the authenticity and reliability of the rental company, and end up renting low-quality equipment. These devices may not be well maintained, and they can affect your workplace performance. Low-quality equipment may not work efficiently for long, which will eventually lead you to change the setup earlier than expected. This can be unnecessarily expensive.

How can you take care of your rental equipment?

These mistakes that renters make while renting gadgets force them to switch their equipment more frequently than is necessary. This results in inconvenience in workplaces and an added cost factor, which is not feasible. Besides, using systems that are not known to the users leads to careless handling, thus damaging the equipment. All of these mistakes are completely avoidable. There are various ways in which you can maintain and take care of your rental equipment.

Do your research

It might seem like an obvious step, but it is the most important of them all. Assess your requirements and consult experts before placing a rental order. This will ensure that you get the equipment that is right for you and that you have knowledge of. Apart from that, the scope of your research must also extend to the company from which your equipment is being rented.

When choosing a company to rent technology, it is always best to go for trusted rental providers like Rank Computers, who are known for their reliable and authentic products and services.

Read the manual

Once you rent any devices, you must read the manual that is provided along with it. These manuals contain information regarding instant troubleshooting in case of errors, and maintenance and safety measures. This will allow you to take care of your equipment properly and safely.

Use support

In case the manual does not have information pertaining to your specific problem, contact your rental provider and ask for support. Even if there isn’t a problem, and you need support with regard to the cleaning or maintenance of your device, it is always better to ask experts to help out.

Rank Computers, for example, offers 24*7 support and maintenance to ensure that your devices are in the best possible condition.

Consider your environment

It is known that you should not set up your technological equipment in damp or wet areas. You must also keep in mind that the positioning of your equipment is such that other environmental factors, like sun or rain, do not affect the device. It is also common practice to keep the systems away from excessive dust, and in an area that has proper ventilation and cooling. This prevents your device from overheating and increases its lifespan.

Clean regularly

Even if you store your devices in a clean environment, dust particles will find a way to settle in. It is imperative that you get your equipment cleaned regularly by professionals. If this dust seeps in, it can damage your rental system and may cost you a lot.

Update your system

Your equipment must keep up with the advances in technology. For that, you must update your systems periodically with the latest software. This keeps you up-to-date with the latest features and also eliminates the need to switch equipment frequently, thus cutting your costs.


While all these steps are extremely important, it is equally necessary that you return your rental equipment in almost the same condition that you received it in. When you switch, it might have become old for you, but it should still have the potential to be rented to someone else. Taking care of your rental equipment can save you a lot of money and ensure that your device functions safely and for a long time.